Tuesday, October 21, 2008

School Days

As I was rushing to get my 6 yr old off to school this am I was awestruck that I am not a great teacher. I could be, maybe, and I am sure I am better than some people...Stephen has grown SO much in the last 1+month he has been in school it is amazing. He knows his numbers AND knows how to add and subtract! This Thursday is parent visitation day at school and I need to say how much I appreciate ho Mrs Drewa is helping Stephen learn and grow. He used to cry a lot when going to public functions (like AWANA) but does not any more. He also is creative with paper and crayons (Icouldn't get him to pick up a crayon and color, much less make something)
I also realize that as I look at my son's math and reading homwork I am thankful because I can read and write-that a teacher took the time to teach me and I can function in this world. I am thankful for the teachers in this world!